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April 2018

The input data for your modelling

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Practical and cost-effective, quick service and advice in addition!

Created to drive the main atmospheric dispersion models, the DAD environmental data mainly concern meteorology (precipitation, temperature, wind, etc.), relief and roughness.

Practical, these data are directly provided in the format of the dispersion model of your choice.

Cost-effective, their price are always the best we can offer and loyalty offers are proposed.

Our customers’ loyalty is also due to our quick service in the treatment of their requests and to the advices that our experts can give.

NUMTECH thanks its customers for their confidence!

More information:

Décembre 2023

NUMTECH vous accompagne dans votre stratégie d’amélioration de votre empreinte environnementale.
Janvier 2024

Pratiques et économiques, la réactivité et le conseil en plus !
Mars 2024

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