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February 2018

SCENARII Health-Environment study in the PACA Region

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NUMTECH brought its expertise to Air PACA.

Probability in excess risk* for the population to develop cancer for all substances considered in the study (source: Air PACA)

The conclusions of the SCENARII study have been communicated to the public authorities and territorial stakeholders by Air PACA, approved association to monitor the air quality (AASQA) in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region.

This study aimed at assessing the sanitary risks related to the exposure of the population to 39 substances emitted into the atmosphere over a large area (3000 km²), comprising the pond of Berre.

In this project, NUMTECH was contacted by Air PACA for its robust expertise in atmospheric dispersion modelling and in health risk assessment. This major work carried out by our experts in collaboration with the AASQA, was concluded with the development of an application of health risks simulation (OSIRIS) allowing the automatic generation of sanitary indicators maps.

More information on the SCENARII study:

* An individual excess risk is the probability for an exposed individual to develop the effect related to the studied pollution.

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